Summer is here ... that means the Dundas Cactus Festival

The annual Dundas Cactus Festival returns,  kicking off with the parade on Thursday August 15th.

Valley Town Toastmasters has been a long time participant, and we look forward to taking part again this year.

Other than this parade week, we continue to meet every Thursday at the Dundas Town Hall.   Guests are always welcome.

We are back to meeting in person! - Join us for an evening of “Laughing and Learning”

Exciting news from Valley Town!!

Valley Town Toastmasters are back to meeting in person at the Dundas Town Hall.     At Valley Town we help members grow their communication and leadership skills every Thursday evening between 7 pm. and 9 pm.

Whether you want to improve your skills at your job,  tame those ums and ahs in social media posts,  or just want to gain confidence in speaking and storytelling,  Valley Town is the place to be.

We’d love to welcome you as a guest at one of our upcoming meetings. There’s no obligation to participate, so feel free to observe, and enjoy laughing and learning with some of the finest Toastmasters you’ll ever meet.

Parking is available, enter at south doors by the flag pole, or the elevator entrance on Main street .   We are up on the 2nd floor.

Hear from some of our members on the benefits of "Laughing & Learning" with Valley Town Toastmasters

Guests are always welcome to attend our meetings now back in person at the Dundas Town Hall.   Let us know if you coming via the meeting request (click here)

If you have any questions, send us an email to

Hope to see you soon!

Valley Town Toastmasters

Club No. 9709, District 86

Serving: Ancaster/Dundas/Hamilton Ontario, Canada





Valley Town Toastmasters is proud to have served its members and the community for 25 years. 

Valley Town Toastmasters has been helping members from Ancaster, Dundas, Flamborough, and Hamilton for over 25 years.   Check out our recent activities or go back further into our activities archives.     Better yet, drop in for a visit at one of our upcoming meetings

Build Confidence with Toastmasters

Learn how you can Build Confidence with Toastmasters.